Tedisha Murray, LAC

Tedisha Murray is a Licensed Associate Counselor (LAC). She holds an Associate Degree in Marketing, a BA in Guidance and Counseling with Honors and an MA in Counseling Psychology with Honors. She also was a Government Official on the Island of Jamaica for ten years in the areas of Project Management and Social Work. This position allowed her to give back to the community including coordinating community intervention projects primarily involving at-risk youth focusing on their social issues. 

In the US, she has experience as a Behavioral Assistant with Intensive In-Home Counseling of school- aged children with psychological challenges. Mrs. Murray has a passion for seeing lives impacted and transformed by her work. She considers it a privilege to serve her community through her professional work as a counselor.


Oxana Rodriguez-Perez, LAC


Roselande (Rose) Pierre-Louis, LAC, NCC